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“So, what’s your number?” he asked me with innocent eyes, contemplating a number low enough to render me virtuous but high enough to guarantee some skill. In other words, n - 1.  I sighed and looked at ceiling. The scene was all too familiar. This time however, I wasn’t with a graduate student. Or an engineer. I was with a DJ.  “One time, I wrote a C program to remove the voice from a sound file,” I said shyly as he leaned in and grazed my earlobe.  Suddenly, he pulled back with disappointment.  “I’m really sorry, but I have to go to my show,” he said as he stuffed his headphones into his backpack. “I’ll see you later.”  The door slammed in the distance. I sighed and hung my head in shame. For I was embarking on the same destructive behavior, watching helplessly as my actions iterated miserably in a never-ending loop. Like recursion, a new romance temps with the promise of a memory address, such as the $user = “girlfriend” string assignment embodied by the
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Analyzing Different Log Files And Knowing Their Importance - Linux

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Social Engineering Toolkit

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