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What is the name of the tool that we can use to initiate a desktop projection to our host using the terminal? 

Answer: xfreerdp


Remember, RDP works for Windows machines. What is the name of the admin account on Windows? It is "Administrator'


You can attempt to RDP to windows machines using this:

xfreerdp /v: /u:Administrator

Press enter when prompted for password (might be poorly configured, and let you use an empty password).


How to use freerdp

To install freerdp on Debian, Kali Linux, Linux Mint, Ubuntu and derivatives, run the command:

sudo apt install freerdp2-x11 freerdp2-shadow-x11

If the freerdp2-x11 and freerdp2-shadow-x11 packages are not found, look for a package named freerdp.

To install freerdp on Arch Linux and derivatives, run the command:

sudo pacman -S freerdp

How to connect with freerdp command

To connect to the remote desktop using xfreerdp, run a command of the form:

xfreerdp /f /u:USERNAME /p:PASSWORD /v:HOST[:PORT]

In this command:

  • /f is option means to open the remote desktop in full screen mode
  • /u:USERNAME is a name of the account on the computer to which we are connecting
  • /p:PASSWORD is a password of the specified account
  • /v:HOST[:PORT] is an IP address or name of the computer to which the remote table is connected. PORT optional



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